Use "study|studied|studies|studying" in a sentence

1. Botanists are people who study botany (the science of studying plant biology) and conduct research base on their studies

2. Botanists are people who study botany (the science of studying plant biology) and conduct research base on their studies

3. Practice Good Study Skills When Studying General Conference Addresses

4. The imaging studies identified Aluminum deposits in all brain tissues studied.

5. Angelology means the study of angels or studying the doctrine of angels

6. Researchers have studied demand in rats in a manner distinct from studying labor supply in pigeons.

7. This study highlights the importance of studying horizontal and Altitudinal range contraction simultaneously.

8. We're essentially going to be --- in a more modern form --- studying what Euclid studied 2, 300 years ago.

9. Related areas of study include environmental studies and environmental engineering.

10. Cohort studies are used to study incidence, causes, and prognosis.

11. In this study, 59 non-Autopsied and 24 Autopsied bodies were studied

12. What is Africana Studies? Africana Studies is the study of the history and culture of African peoples

13. Asikey is an alumnus of University of Nigeria, where she studied history and international studies.

14. She studied there and then, after completing her studies, she worked in an administrative post.

15. Social studies is the study of how man lives in societies.

16. Likewise, the benefits from time spent studying may vary greatly, depending on our study methods.

17. For example, zoology deals with animal studies, botany deals with plant studies, and microBiology is the study of microorganisms.

18. She began studying art in 1950 under Brazilian painter Iberê Camargo; she studied lithography and woodcut in addition to painting.

19. Alla was studying with a special-pioneer sister but made little progress, so the study was discontinued.

20. Black Studies, or Africana Studies more broadly, is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach to studying and understanding the experiences of African people and African-descended people across the Diaspora

21. OK, my science teacher got me studying, because I was a goofball that didn't want to study.

22. Eusebius devoted himself to his studies, especially to the study of the Bible.

23. An Archeologist studies civilization’s past by studying the physical remains of artifacts left by that civilization to understand their culture

24. At NYU Accra, you can take an interdisciplinary approach to Africana studies, study global public health, and explore urban and metropolitan studies.

25. Analoga Sans was developed by Fernando Pérez while studying a Typographical Design masters at the Gestalt Studies Center in Mexico

26. Acarology is the study of mites and ticks.A person who studies Acarology is an acarologist.

27. After a review of all titles and abstracts 25 studies were included in this study.

28. (g) the format of protocols, abstracts and final study reports for the post-authorisation safety studies.

29. During my study is well, I have been commissary in charge of studies and class monitor.

30. Study on safety is an important discussion among studies on applying fertilizer of tannery chromium sludge.

31. The social sciences that study inequity Aversion include sociology, economics, psychology, anthropology, and ethology Human studies

32. Sociology was to study social systems, psychology studied personality systems, and anthropology was to concentrate on cultural systems.

33. Your Companion to Reading Listening to Memorizing Studying Living with Quran Ayah is a full-featured Quran app from Tafsir Center for Quranic Studies

34. In this study the effect of bevel angle on cutting accuracy, surface finish, and saw dust quality was studied.

35. In this study, magnetic domain structures of the semiconductor nanostructures (Ge, Si) were studied by magnetic force microscope (MFM).

36. During his lifetime he had published a series of Bible study volumes called Studies in the Scriptures.

37. Test facility inspections will generally include, inter alia, study audits, which review on-going or completed studies.

38. Start studying Carboxyhemoglobin

39. She's studying accounting.

40. There is considerable variation among the aggregated fields of study in who paid for the course of studies.

41. Bursaries cover the total cost of studying in a grant, so learners can study for their qualification without worrying about paying anything back

42. The program focuses on five Cross disciplinary areas of study: cultural studies and social justice; gender studies; medicine and health; literature, film, and arts; and communication, media, and technology

43. Studies may seem to present Conflicting conclusions about soy, but this is largely due to the wide variation in how soy is studied

44. Gabriel study and other recent epidemiological studies regarding Atrazines potential link to cancer do not alter that conclusion.

45. Jesse's studies signalled the beginning of ' Aeronomical research', the regular study of the upper atmosphere, now called 'aeronomy'.

46. The most sensitive chronic study had higher effect concentrations than the acute studies, and so was not used.

47. We will mainly be in Spain to study the Basques, but to provide a comparative perspective for our study of the Basques we will first spend ten days studying the Catalan situation in Barcelona, …

48. Start studying Consolidations Ch

49. Start studying Additive/Destructive

50. She's studying Agricultural science

51. Are you studying hard?

52. Reading Androcentrism against the Grain: Women, Sex, and Torah-Study Daniel Boyarin Near Eastern Studies, UC, Berkeley For Dr

53. Start studying Anglish Wordbook

54. Studying General Conference Addresses

55. Computer simulation and field studies have been carried out to study the allowable bearing capacity of soils for cranes.

56. Biopsychology; a field of study examining the relationship between brain and mind, studying the effect of biological influences on psychological functioning or mental processes.

57. Further information for Aboriginalities (MULT10001) This subject is available to students studying at the University from eligible overseas institutions on exchange and study abroad.

58. If anyone has difficulty in understanding a point even after studying the lesson in advance, the conductor may discuss it further after the study.

59. Start studying Appositional growth

60. I'm studying book-keeping.

61. Start studying HESI Bioterrorism

62. Start studying Anthography_SUMMARY_MUST REVIEW

63. Start studying Mandibular Anteriors

64. Start studying Appendicular skeleton

65. He is studying sociology.

66. Start studying Vet226 Chemistries

67. Start studying Biogeochemical cycles

68. Start studying Multiplying Binomials

69. Start studying Balderdash Words

70. So you're studying abroad?

71. Ms. Hai Anh, a bachelor of international studies, studied a range of different subject at university, including basic accounting, international law, management, and European culture.

72. It makes sense then, that Anthropologists are scientists who want to explore, study, and understand humankind. How do they do this? By researching and studying …

73. Acarology: The study of ticks and mites Actinobiology: The study of the effects of radiation upon living organisms Actinology: The study of the effect of light on chemicals Aerobiology: A branch of biology that studies organic particles transported by the air Aerology: The study of the atmosphere Aetiology: The study of the causes of disease Agrobiology: the study of

74. Platelets are studied in an artificial environment and the very process of preparing the platelet sample for study may affect their behaviour.

75. Your ability to teach on Bible studies will be refined by paying careful attention to the book study overseer’s good teaching methods as he conducts the book study. —1 Cor.

76. To analyze the success factors of international joint ventures (IJVs), this study meta-analytically integrates 106 studies of 32.318 firms.

77. The experimental study of heredity led Bateson to breeding studies and soon to the newly rediscovered laws of Mendelian heredity.

78. Africana Studies offers you the opportunity to study the Black experience in Africa, the Americas, and throughout the African Diaspora

79. When I moved to London to further my secular studies, I agreed to have a Bible study with Muriel Albrecht.

80. The people studying in the relevant field should go for the COJ Bursary 2021 in order to make their study time more reliable and easy.